Parent(s) and Guardian(s) of Elementary Students,
This summer, the administrative team discussed ways to solve some transportation challenges that directly affect our elementary students. Norwalk is a growing community with new neighborhoods and homes being built regularly, which is leading to an increase in bus ridership for all grades K-12. Additionally, our district is seeking ways to minimize elementary and secondary students riding together on buses as well as reduce wait time in the afternoon at the bus circle.
With all factors being considered, we are going to start the school day earlier and release the elementary students earlier in order to stagger the bus routes. The school start and end times for each building are listed below:
Because Oviatt Preschool is a four day a week/half day program meeting and students do not ride the bus, it will continue to operate at it’s typical start and end times. AM preschool meets on M, T, Th, F from 8:00-11:00am; PM preschool meets on M, T, Th, F from 11:50am-2:50pm.
If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to contact Superintendent DT Magee at dmagee@norwalk.k12.ia.us or 515-981-0676.
READ FULL Transportation Letter 2021 2022