*Early Bird Student Fee Discount Registration Deadline is 6.15.22
2022-2023 NCSD STUDENT REGISTRATION – Available Online
By: Kate Baldwin, Executive Director of Admin Services
An annual registration must be completed for ALL students (returning and new). The deadline for Early Bird registration is 06-15-22 with payment to be made by 06-30-22. Parents can register students www.norwalkschools.org by clicking under “Enrollment”. Parents of students who are new to the district, click on the “New Families” page under “Enrollment”. Parents should register all students that will be returning in 22-23 by logging into their Parent Portal account. Maintaining current and accurate student records is essential to student safety and service.
STUDENT FEES: 22-23 fees will not be available for payment until a future date. Parents will receive a parent messenger notification AND individualized email when fees are available. A direct link to pay fees will be provided in the email. The District will accept debit or credit card payments with no transaction fees. (See list of fees below.) Due to new software implementation, parents will be required to add their student names in RevTrak portal. This will be a one-time selection to link all the students in a particular household with the RevTrak account. More information and instructions will be sent via parent messenger when the RevTrak portal is available for fee payment.
EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT STUDENT REGISTRATION: The District is offering “Early Bird” discounted registration and transportation fees to all parents that register by June 15th and pay their fees by 06-30-22. Due to the new RevTrak software implementation, the District is extending the Early Bird payment deadline to 06-30-22. Regular annual registration and transportation fees will apply starting 07-01-22.
MOVING: If you are moving and your student will be attending another school district this fall, please email registrar@norwalk.k12.ia .us. This notification will help both Norwalk Schools and the new district of your student’s pending enrollment. If you are moving within the Norwalk School District please make sure to update your new address within the online registration.
NOTICE FOR PRESCHOOL & KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION: Parents enrolling a preschool or kindergarten student(s) should click on the “Add New Student” button on the “Student” tab for each PK or K student to enroll. Online registration does not recognize students as returning students until they have completed Kindergarten.
TRANSPORTATION REQUESTS, INCLUDING PAY-FOR-RIDE: Parents request transportation through online registration. The Transportation Department will begin processing all transportation requests after June 1st. Pay-for-Ride students will be processed on a first-come-first serve basis. Fees will be applied in RevTrak as requests are processed. Online registration transportation requests submitted by 06-15-22 and paid by 06-30-22 will qualify for the Early Bird discount rates.
- All students are required to have a bus pass to board the bus.
- Bus passes are scheduled to be mailed on 08-15-22
- Transportation requests received after 08-01-22 may not be placed on a bus route until 09-12–22.
- Any student that registers to ride the bus is expected to ride the bus 3 times per week.
- Students that have been issued a bus pass but do not ride the bus between the first day of school and October 1st may be removed from the bus so the seat can be reassigned to a regular student rider.
- If a student is not a regular rider by December 1st, parents shall be contacted to discuss the need for future transportation.
Important Reminders:
- An annual registration must be completed for ALL students (returning and new).
- Registration is an online process located at www.norwalkschools.org under “Enrollment”.
- Transportation requests, activity passes & student parking permits are included in the online registration process.
- Free & Reduced Students: Parents of students qualifying for Free and Reduced meals must complete a 22-23 Free and Reduced Meal application by 08-01-22 to receive the Early Bird discount. Applications for meal assistance will not be available for the 22-23 school year until after July 1st. Applications submitted after 08-01-22 will be processed at the regular rates. Any fees assessed will be due immediately.
- Parents of students that qualify by DHS determination will be notified by email.
- Parents qualifying for Free & Reduced meals that also want to request a fee waiver or reduction must sign a new fee waiver form by September 30th.
- 22-23 fees will not be available for payment until a future date. Parents will receive a parent messenger notification AND individualized email when fees are available. A direct link to pay fees will be provided in the email.
- All student registration fees for the household must be paid in full before parents are eligible to purchase optional school services such as Pay-for-Ride Transportation or Student and Family Activity Passes.